Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Immunity & Cold and Flu Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Cold And Flu
By Ashi Jas

The common cold and flu (influenza) are very common infections of the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, ears and sinuses).

What causes them?

Colds and flu are caused by viruses. The infections are contagious, passed on by tiny droplets and hand contact.

There are hundreds of different types of virus that can cause a cold, which explains why children get repeated colds.

The flu virus is constantly changing its structure, so new strains appear each year

Flu is caused by the influenza virus. There are three major types: A (often the cause of flu epidemics), B and C. The flu virus is

constantly changing its structure, so new strains appear each year.

We don't have immunity to the new strains, which is why we can catch flu repeatedly.

Symptoms of Common Cold

Following are the major common cold symptoms:

1. Frequent sneezing

2. Blocked or runny nose

3. Reduced sense of taste and smell

4. Sore throat

5. Dry cough

6. Headache and mild fever


* Acute ear infection (otitis media). A frequent complication of common colds in children, ear infection occurs when bacteria

or viruses infiltrate the space behind the eardrum. Typical signs and symptoms include earaches and, in some cases, a green or

yellow discharge from the nose or the return of a fever following a common cold. Children who are too young to verbalize their

distress may simply cry or sleep restlessly. Ear pulling is not a reliable sign.

* Wheezing. A cold can trigger wheezing in children with asthma.

* Sinusitis. In adults or children, a common cold that doesn't resolve may lead to sinusitis - inflammation and infection of the sinuses.

* Other secondary infections. These include strep throat (streptococcal pharyngitis), pneumonia, bronchitis in adults and croup in children. These infections need to be treated by a doctor.

Danger signs

* Colds associated with very high temperature, severe pain or shortness of breath. Contact GP.

Causes of Common Cold

Following are the major common cold causes:

1. Viral infection

2. Person to person through sneezing

3. Menstrual cycles

4. Allergic disorders

5. Low immunity power

6. Change in weather

Common Cold Treatment: An Introduction

It seems like every day a new common cold treatment is being marketed to prevent, cure, or shorten the length of the common cold

(see Common Cold Myths). Despite these marketing claims, there is only one cure for the common cold -- time. Therefore, common cold

treatment goals are focused on providing relief from common cold symptoms as the body fights the cold virus.

Common cold treatment options include:

* Resting in bed

* Drinking plenty of fluids

* Gargling with warm salt water (or using throat sprays or lozenges)

* Using a cool-mist humidifier

* Taking common cold medicine.

Common cold Prevention

No effective vaccine has been developed for the common cold, which can be caused by many different viruses. But you can take some

common-sense precautions to slow the spread of cold viruses:

* Wash your hands.

* Scrub your stuff.

* Use tissues.

* Don't share.

* Steer clear of colds.

* Choose your child care center wisely.

* Consider the alternatives.


* Analgesics.

* Antipyretics

* Oral or topical sympathomimetics (short term use only) decongestants

* Antihistamines. (Care - can cause drowsiness).

* Vitamin C - is harmless and many claim benefit from it.

To remove these types of diseases Boost Your Immune System

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